tips for bottle feeding calves

tips for bottle feeding calves

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Blog

  I thought I might give some tips for bottle feeding calves this is based on my opinion and experience only but might be useful for somebody that’s new to it. The first and most important thing to any newborn animal is good quality colostrum and that should start before the calf is ever born. […]

why you should avoid covid 19

why you should avoid covid 19

Posted 4 CommentsPosted in Blog

    I feel I should write an update on why you should avoid covid 19 at all costs. Only two weeks I wrote a bit about it in an article about chemical masks for spraying. I knew very little about the Corina virus at the time and had given out some information available to […]

hunting for sport

hunting for a sport

Posted 4 CommentsPosted in Blog

  In the past hunting for a sport was always part of rural Irish culture and up to twenty years ago it seemed very popular for a lot of households to at least have a shotgun. My family were never interested in hunting as we always seemed to be much too busy for a pass […]

corona virus protection

corona virus protection

Posted 9 CommentsPosted in Blog

  As corona virus protection seems to be a hot topic I thought I would write a little about is even though it has nothing to do with what I normally write about. First off there seems to be bit of hysteria or panic about the virus which is understandable but shops getting sold out […]