living in rural Ireland

living in rural ireland

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  Last year I wrote an article on living in rural Ireland or I should say rural Ireland dying A year on I thought I would give my perspective on what I think has changed over the past year. There does seem to be some ideas coming down the tracks. There is at least talks […]

what was common sense

What was common sense

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  What was common sense It was something that used to be around quite a bit before the age of the internet. I am old enough to remember the late 80s and 1990s when there was no such thing as the internet. A time when people could only communicate with each other through by means […]

free bitcoin

get free bitcoin

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  If your are looking to get free bitcoin then it the good news is it is possibly and a lot easier than your might think all your need to do is download a free web browser which is based on google chrome and use it to surf the internet. It is 100% legit and […]

Honda ATV Repair

Honda ATV Repair

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  I recently carried some Honda ATV repair I have some experience with working with motorcycles and quads over the years anyway but even without this experience they are easy enough to work on anyway. As I was doing this I thought why not write about my little project and it might help someone else […]

Irish fairies

mythology of the irish fairies

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  The mythology of the Irish fairies is or at least was very much part of rural Ireland. Today most people would laugh if you mentioned fairies and many would imagine tiny winged creatures from a Disney cartoon or childs story book. The truth behind the fairies in Ireland is based on much darker stories […]

Outlander hybrid

Outlander hybrid

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  My Mitsubishi outlander hybrid review. If you are thinking of going electric on the farm and ditching the old diesel then this article might be of some use. I am driving an outlander PHEV with just over two years now and think I have tested it out fairly well in that time. I was […]

lidl's impact wrench

lidl’s impact wrench

Posted 6 CommentsPosted in Product Reviews

    Around six months ago I purchased lidl’s impact wrench as I already had a drill and batteries and a charger in the same range of parkside tools. I originally felt a bit disappointed after having their drill and cordless grinder. On it’s first test which was to remove the wheel from my Mitsubishi […]

Fly tipping

Fly tipping

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  Fly tipping seems to be getting worse in rural areas in recent years and for the landowners that owns the land it can lead to stress as well as the financial cost of cleaning it up. In a way I can understand why some people would do it as there are some people out […]

hows my blog

How is my blog

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  How is my blog ? What a strange thing to write about but its been just one year now since I started this website. It has been slow progress in a very strange year. 2020 will be one year that most people around the world will remember for a long time. It started with […]

my little kerry bog ponies

My little kerry bog ponies

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  This is the story about My little kerry bog ponies It is a tribute in a way to one of Ireland rarest and underestimated ponies as you might have seen under the animals tab we keep and sometimes breed Kerry bog ponies. Not for the gain of profit as many people see them as […]