A lot of people are looking for the best black Friday deals of 2020 right now and this year is expected to break all records for online sales not least because of the covid lock down sales around the world. There would be too many things to list as practically everything and anything seems to be on sale for this weekend and this year it might just be the perfect time to pick up your Christmas gifts. So instead of linking specific products I will just mention some items that I consider good value and where I think are safe places to get them.
Amazon offer almost everything when it comes to the latest tech and everything else for that matter and is one of the largest shopping platforms in the world. Smart watches are one item I have been keeping an eye on over the last few years and now with bank of Ireland and N26 supporting google pay here they can finally be used for more than just a fitness tracker.
As I have hypertension I would be looking for something to monitor blood pressure and heart rate but would also like something that can control music through the phone and wireless headphones. A watch that has NFC and supports google pay would also be high on my list.
Watches like the Ticwatch pro or s2 are both good tough rugged smartwatch or the Huawei watch 2 is another that I have been looking at The gt2 or Gt2 pro by huawei are also beautiful watches. Fossil is another brand that make very smart watches and then there are hybrid watches that offer the best of both worlds with a very long battery life but I don’t think we are at the stage where they are able to support google pay just yet.
Laptops and tablets
As well as the known brands of laptops there are a lot of quality laptops that you might not have heard of at very good value for money. practically all laptops phones etc are made in china these days anyway and once they have the right parts inside like ram memory and the latest chips and have good quality control that’s what would be important to most people.
For laptops brands like teclast jumper and thinker are very good value for students or everyday use they are available on Amazon eBay or ali express at an even cheaper price but they might take longer to deliver unless they are shipping from a european country.
As for phones xiamoi are known as the apple of the east as they are more popular in Asia than apple are in the western world. Some brands like one plus and huawei have already made a name for themselves and there price has risen as they became more popular around the world but other phones brands like cubot,nubia doogee or oppo are still not as well-known.
I have had a few xiaomi phones over the past 6 years and never had a problem with them. This year I am buying myself a drone that I wrote a post about here . A smartwatch is also in my head as I know there are very good deals at the moment but I don’t want to go overboard on the spending.
There is an old saying that a bargain is only a bargain if you need something there is no point in buying something that you don’t want or need because its cheap. What is the point if you are never going to use it.
Where to shop
That depends very much on what you are buying for cheap tech I would buy Chinese brands from ali express or banggood which are massive shopping sites that sell everything you could imagine. they might also be available from amazon or eBay but could be at a higher price. Amazon also have Amazon outlet section in the settings’ menu where you can pick up as new refurbished or extra stock that they are selling off at a lower price.
For clothes, footwear and fashion I would buy from Amazon or local stores as sizes are somewhat easier to follow than websites from Asia. If you are interested in tools then any of the sites I mentioned above have everything you could imagine at prices that are hard to beat anywhere else.
Machine mart is another good UK based website that has a large range of tools and machinery or even stoves that is worth checking for their range and prices.
Although I have more readers from the UK than Ireland there is a big push this year to shop local but you should also be aware of fake or dodgy websites. Many could just pretend to be local by using a word like Ireland or England in their website name but the reality could be the goods you are buying could be coming from any part of the world or your money could be going to any place in the world.
always look at the web address bar at the top of the page and check it says https at the start of the address which means the website is secure. One local Irish website that has a good range of furniture and items is Aosom
Where ever you chose to shop this year buy from a trusted source and buy what you need or want and try not to get carried away just because something has a large discount.
Just as I am linking places if you are interested in learning how to make money online instead of spending it a good place to start would be wealthy affiliate its free to sign up and start learning. They are also doing an offer for black Friday for premium membership and expert training every year.

Try not to over spend this year too as who knows what next year will bring there could be higher unemployment levels and taxes when this covid pandemic ends so spend wisely and happy shopping.