Category: Blog
gorse fires in ireland
legitimate ways to make money from home
tips for bottle feeding calves
why you should avoid covid 19
best rodent control products
hunting for a sport
corona virus protection
Building a storage shed
What is factory farming animal cruelty
What is factory farming animal cruelty and why have I put them together ? When I regularly see people online and elsewhere talking about factory farming and stating how the animals are mistreated or abused and all factory farms should all be closed down. It makes me wonder how many people actually believe this. […]
farm water systems
Farmer subsidy payments
Farming accident articles
Another important topic id like to discuss is farming accident articles and farm safety a lot has been written about farming accidents and often referred to as a freak tragic accident but in reality it is happening so often that there is nothing freak about it. We should all know by now that farms […]
The facts of pig farming
The hen harrier
My special protected area
You are probably wondering what my special protected area is well it’s not an area you might be thinking of but a very important area non the less. Back in 2007 the Irish government designated around 170.000 hectares of private farm land as Special Protected Areas or SPAs which was done to protect rare […]
Badgers spreading TB
Beam beef money
With the non farming community wondering can you make money raising beef cattle and seeing all the beef farm protests on the news it must seem very confusing when it is reported that we are not accepting free money offered to hard-pressed farmers. Phil Hogan, stated that it will be “the greatest embarrassment of all […]