gorse fires in Ireland

gorse fires in ireland


  Why is there gorse fires in Ireland every spring and early summer. That’s just a simple question but yet I have never heard it asked. I am reading every year about how this is illegal and how the people who started these fires will be brought to justice and the farmers that own the […]

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tips for bottle feeding calves

tips for bottle feeding calves


  I thought I might give some tips for bottle feeding calves this is based on my opinion and experience only but might be useful for somebody that’s new to it. The first and most important thing to any newborn animal is good quality colostrum and that should start before the calf is ever born. […]

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rodent control products

best rodent control products


  What are the best rodent control products ? well it depends on what kind of rodent you are trying to control and where they are, being from a farming background the two most common types to cause problems are mice and rats. Mice are just a nuisance and more common than rats. I don’t […]

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hunting for sport

hunting for a sport


  In the past hunting for a sport was always part of rural Irish culture and up to twenty years ago it seemed very popular for a lot of households to at least have a shotgun. My family were never interested in hunting as we always seemed to be much too busy for a pass […]

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corona virus protection

corona virus protection


  As corona virus protection seems to be a hot topic I thought I would write a little about is even though it has nothing to do with what I normally write about. First off there seems to be bit of hysteria or panic about the virus which is understandable but shops getting sold out […]

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Building a storage shed

Building a storage shed


Here is a guide on building a storage shed for anyone who would like to try to build their own. The materials I used were galvanized steel beams that I purchased from a man selling them on donedeal.ie the beams were around 16 feet long and 100kg in weight that were originally used on motorway […]

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farm water systems

farm water systems


Just to discuss some farm water systems and options available to farmers. In a country that rains so much you might think why but it could possably be helpful to someone and water is the one thing livestock can’t do without for long so better to have something in place for a summer when it […]

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Farmer subsidy payments

Farmer subsidy payments


  I have often come across some anger and resentment towards farmer subsidy payments comments online radio TV etc. on why should farmers get tax payers money for nothing. And it might sound strange but for a lot of years I thought as a farmer myself that maybe we as farmers would be better off […]

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Farm safety stop taking risks

Farming accident articles


  Another important topic id like to discuss is farming accident articles and farm safety a lot has been written about farming accidents and often referred to as a freak tragic accident but in reality it is happening so often that there is nothing freak about it. We should all know by now that farms […]

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Hen harrier ireland

The hen harrier


The hen harrier I decided to write about some hen harrier facts as I see them again this is my own opinion and I understand not everyone might agree with it. Personally I knew what a hen harrier was long before land was designated for its protection and long before it was written about in […]

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the impact of land designations on farmers

My special protected area


  You are probably wondering what my special protected area is well it’s not an area you might be thinking of but a very important area non the less. Back in 2007 the Irish government designated around 170.000 hectares of private farm land as Special Protected Areas or SPAs which was done to protect rare […]

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do badgers spread tb

Badgers spreading TB


  Do badgers spread tb? Well according to a study led by experts from the University of Edinburgh yes they do, but this is something that farmers have known for a long time It is important to note that cattle are more likely to pick it up from other cattle but normally cattle in most […]

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Beam beef money


With the non farming community wondering can you make money raising beef cattle and seeing all the beef farm protests on the news it must seem very confusing when it is reported that we are not accepting free money offered to hard-pressed farmers. Phil Hogan, stated that it will be “the greatest embarrassment of all […]

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